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October 2023 - Cyber Security Awareness Month

Image of a cell phone and weights with text stating Step up your cyber fitness #cybermonth2023

The theme for Cyber Security Awareness Month 2023 is Step up your cyber fitness. It’s all about stretching your cyber security muscles and taking things one step at a time! Cyber security is a shared responsibility, so join us and others at VIU in promoting cyber security by participating in Cyber Month.

🏆 Win a prize by entering the daily Cyber Month challenges at: 🏆

Cyber Month 2023 Weekly Content

Image of man working out with text Week 1 warmup week

The best workouts always begin with a good warmup. This week, we’ll lay the groundwork for the rest of Cyber Month, covering topics like:

#DYK that we have security awareness training available to you? 4 courses that train users of the potential threats to VIU's information and how to avoid situations that might put VIU’s data at risk. 

The #1 reason to take the training - you’ll learn how to protect yourself and your family.

The first course is Secure I.T. 100 – Information Security Essentials for VIU, a short, 20 question quiz that focuses on VIU with emphasis on the risks we experience here and specific examples.

    Image of a man hurdling over computer errors with the text week 2 Account Workout

    Here’s where the workout really begins. This week, we’ll work up a metaphorical sweat by learning how and why to:

    Use strong and unique passwords and passphrases

    Enable 2-Step Verification (2SV) at VIU

    void phishing and social engineering scams

    Your online accounts contain a lot of information about you. Make sure that the information stays where you want it to by keeping your accounts secure.

    image of a man in boxing gloves taking on a cartoon cyber criminal with the text Week 3 Learning self-defense

    Beat cyber criminals to the punch by defending your devices! This week, we’ll cover the ways you can keep your devices protected, including:

    mage of woman lifting a hand weight with the text Week 4 maintaining muscle

    Staying in good cyber shape means keeping on top of your security habits. This week, we’ll talk about the ways you can automate your cyber safety, like:

    Your online accounts contain a lot of information about you. Make sure that the information stays where you want it to by keeping your accounts secure.

    a group of people dressed in athletic wear all using technology with the text Week 5 Strength in numbers

    Cyber Security doesn't have to be spooky👻

    🎃This year for Hallowe'en share your motivation with the world! This week, we’ll teach you how to be a coach for your family, friends and coworkers with advice on:


    Follow Secure I.T. on Twitter/X for topical security information that is just as relevant for your home life as your life at VIU

    Past Cyber Security Awareness Month Highlights

     Ruin a cyber criminal's day!

    Cyber criminals spend their days trying to trick us into giving up our personal information, tamper with our devices and even steal our identities. When cyber attacks like phishing are successful, they can ruin our days, to put it lightly. That’s why, this Cyber Security Awareness Month, we’re encouraging you to ruin a cyber criminal’s day.

    You got phished

    Where, why and how it happens


    Putting it all together

    Cyber Security Awareness Month Banner

    No matter what's going on around us, the internet keeps us in touch and spending time with our favourite people.

    Stay safe while being social

    Share special moments safely

     Work from home safely

    All members of the VIU research community are encouraged to take extra precautions to protect the security of their research.

    Get friendly with your devices - Cyber Security Awareness Month

    If You Connect It, Protect It

    Devices have become an integral part of our lives. In fact, sometimes it’s hard to remember all of the connected devices we use on a daily basis. The first few days of CSAM will focus on taking stock of all of the devices in your life and bidding farewell to those devices that have served you well, but that you might not use anymore.

    You can start by taking stock of your own cyber security knowledge by taking the Get Cyber Safe Assessment Checkup.

    It’s time to repay your phone for all it has done for you by making sure it’s properly secured.

    Show your computer you care by:

    Network devices - Let’s give these unsung heroes their dues by making sure they’re secure against cyber threats.

    Take care of your TVs, doorbells and other smart devices by: